Friday, February 8, 2008

A Push For More Government Funding For Uninsured Kids

An article in The Austin American-Statesman on January 23, 2008, stated that the US House is going to try once again to override Bush's veto of a plan to increase funds, and thereby extend to more families, government subsidized health insurance for children.

House To Try New Override of Children's Health Bill

The bill has already passed the Senate with a veto-proof margin. It passed the House last year, but not with enough of a margin to disallow a veto by President Bush. However, we are not in a crisis situation, because Congress and the President agreed last December to extend funding for all current programs until March 2009.

Basically, this bill raises funding by $35 billion over the next 5 years, allowing for more uninsured children to enroll. Opponents of the bill (Republicans) say the bill is too broad and will drive families away from private insurance, while Congressional Democrats say Republicans want to leave too many children uninsured. Republicans want to increase funding by just $12 billion over the next 5 years.

This topic is one of the most heated debates on Capitol Hill lately. It is a topic I am quite interested in as a parent of four children, and a preschool teacher, working toward teacher certification. Although I have direct interest, it is also a topic all Americans should be concerned with. Is it really in our nation's best interest to have a bunch of sickly or poorly developing children - who will ultimately become the adults working and making decisions for our country - running around? Is it in our best economical interest to have these uninsured children clogging up hospital emergency rooms and racking up bills their parents can't pay? It is my opinion that our society is not prepared for the social burdens and ramifications of having masses of uninsured children now will bring the coming decades. I expect this issue to be raised many more times in the coming years!

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