Friday, April 25, 2008

Slowdown? Try Screeching Halt!

While I am actually sick to death of hearing and reading about the war in Iraq, what is really bugging me this week is our awful economy and where it is headed. Unfortunately, I can not discuss our economy without addressing the substantial effects the war has had on our country and economy. Sadly, a good deal of the blame - directly and indirectly - can be placed on the staggering amount of money our government has spent and will spend in the future on the war, as well as the fear factory the administration likes to keep churning, which dominoes into so many areas such as consumer confidence and Wall Street.

Really, all I want from a financial position, is basic necessities met - adequate housing, steady flow of utilities, food and household items comfortably aquired, a few extracurricular activites for my children, and access to medical care when needed. We are not extravagant people, and have no need for flat screen televisions big enough to teleport all 6 of us, $50,000 cars, a 3000 sq ft home with a view, or vacations in the Bahamas. We have lived reasonably comfortable for several years now (albeit with very little savings), but for the first time in a long time I am genuinely worried about our finances. With gas prices quickly approaching $4/gallon, I am finding myself having to cut out certain activities - particularly ones that involve driving. Also for the first time in a long time, I am reevaluating my cooking and food preparation tactics to see where I can cut costs. This week I could not find a decent - meaning with nutritional value, not the $.79 loaf of filler materials loosely resembling an edible substance - loaf of bread for under $2.25. I recall not so long ago my favorite choice being somewhere around $1.49. The bananas I used to buy for $.33/lb are now $.50/lb. It all adds up, especially when feeding a family of 6, to a 3 figure increase in our food expenditures. Utilities are also on the rise, further necessitating a reevaluation of the family budget - and I am getting scared.

Back to the topic of war, right now the seemingly accepted cost of the war is about $3 TRILLION dollars - and of course much of that is not real-time expenses, but borrowed money so my children, grand-children and probably great grand-children will likely continue to experience the financial effects of Bush's war on Iraq. Regardless, instead of using that money to research, develop, and implement renewable energy sources to reduce our dependence on oil (and help our environment), we have blown it on a useless war. By showing investors that there is a greater return in military industries, we have hurt other industries and our economic stability. Being almost obsessed with attacking Third World countries and causing oil producers anxiety about future oil production, has helped drive up the cost of oil - again, hurting our economy. And all of this damage to our economy coupled with no end in sight to the war, typically causes people to not invest and not make major purchases - doing even more harm to our bottom line.

To add insult to injury, President Bush continues to refer to this sad economic situation as a "slowdown", applying a monetary band-aid he calls an economic stimulus package. Why not call a spade a spade? Personally, I have more respect for someone who readily admits a mistake and then works to rectify it - I'd even pitch in to help. But no, let's just spend even more money our country doesn't have on over-priced gasoline and food. I have a hard time even enjoying that fact that I am getting a nice chunk of money direct-deposited this week, when I know that there is no real sign of a let-up in our financial troubles anytime soon.

I naively believed that once we navigated the early adult/new family financial growing pains, and settled into careers, most things would be ok. I never expected to live a lifestyle of a celebrity, but really didn't think at my age I would be adjusting, evaluating, and sacrificing to assure that our basic needs were met. But to my defense, when I started actually paying attention to our society and government, President Clinton was in office and things were going pretty well. I looked to people 10 and 15 years older and reasonably expected to be in their stable shoes. But that was before the 1-2 punch of George W. Bush and The Iraq War. While, I don't know that it's totally fair to blame Bush for everything, he certainly hasn't done much to help us out. For me, the light at the end of the tunnel is our new President, whoever he or she may be. I would love to see a quick end to the nonsense in Iraq, subsidized health care for everyone, and government support of research and implementation (in the forms of grants, tax incentives, and basic cheerleading) of alternative energy sources. But I am thinking maybe I need to check my expectations at the polling booth and just hope for the best.

On a related note, for grins check this out to see how you would spend $3 trillion.

1 comment:

vwilson21 said...

In a recent article written by one of my classmates (, the topic of our country’s economy, mainly because of this war, is addressed. I honestly couldn’t agree with her more on the issues she addresses.

Inflammation is inevitable and our budgets just aren’t meeting the requirements. We have to cut out activities in our lives that we enjoy doing because we can’t afford gas prices. I bought a new car in August and then it cost $30 to fill; just since then it has gone up to $40 to fill. It’s not just gas prices going up, either. It’s food, clothes, basically anything you can think of. The stimulus checks that SOME people (some people aren’t even receiving anything) are getting here soon are probably going to go towards bills or debts, not going out to spend money to stimulate our economy.

The cost of the war, $3 trillion dollars, is so incredibly ridiculous; it’s almost hard to believe. Our country will be trying to pay all this money back for a very long time, which doesn’t make prices on anything look like they’ll be going down anytime soon. The bottom line is that we need to get a change in the presidential office soon and end this war before our debt and prices rise any higher than they already are.